I don’t know about you but over the past month my heart has started to ache for friends that I see changing due to the pandemic. It makes me very aware of how lucky I am to have children that keep me moving and active and a husband who is creative. Not to mention our home that turned into our pandemic playground. But also a small circle of girlfriends that I can get together with, one on one, in person. We have been huge in hunkering in and only going out to explore wide open places and never going into anywhere with crowds. We even canceled a vacation because it just didn’t feel right with the risk. BUT, I’m saying all of this because with what I’m about to say, I want you to know it’s coming from someone who is taking this all very serious and with utmost precaution and respect.
You still need in person time, life, communication, friendship with someone in real life. And before it gets cold and we are all hunkered in again. Get out and go for a hike with a friend. Find a watering hole out in the middle of nowhere. Have a dinner date at a restaurant on the patio. There is so much you can do outside with a friend. It’s life changing right now. It literally reenergizes me for the following week. I don’t know the science behind it but it’s not something we can get through Zoom, Marco or text. Or at least I can’t. So if you are needing to hear this I’m telling you there is a way. Stay away from crowds, keep your circle of friends tight with open and transparent conversation about how you are living and respect each other’s hard lines on what’s expected within the way you are each living before you meet up, wear your mask, social distance, and do everything outside! I know for some this still sounds extreme but for others they are living the extreme from their digital devices and within their walls. This can really damage our mental health. People need to feel each others real life, in person energy. I honestly don’t know how I would have got through this without my girl tribe and all the outdoor opportunity we have here. ❤️ Take care of that beautiful you!❤️❤️❤️❤️